The Big Ideas Math program completely supports the 3-Tier Response to Intervention model through print and digital resources. Using research-based instructional strategies, teachers can reach, challenge, and motivate each student with high quality instruction targeted to individual needs.
All students are placed in the Daily Intervention level with the Record and Practice Journal/Student Journal to take notes, Fair Game Review/Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency for extra practice with skills necessary for upcoming lessons, On Your Own/Monitoring Progress questions to practice the examples, Lesson Tutorial Videos, Mini-Assessments to formatively assess the students on the lesson, and other resources like the Multi-Language Glossary, Vocabulary Flash Cards, and the Game Closet. When students move to the Strategic Intervention level, students again can use the Lesson Tutorial Videos and the Game Closet. They also have the Skills Review and Basic Skills Handbook to review and practice skills they may be lacking, and Differentiating the Lesson worksheets teachers can use for remediation. For the students who need the most help at the Customized Learning Intervention level, teachers have access to Intensive Intervention Activities, as well as the entire Middle School series for the additional support these students need.
In the Teaching Edition, Laurie has provided similar tips and techniques as she does for English Language Learners. These tips are called Differentiated Instruction, and again appear several times throughout each chapter.
An Assignment Guide and Homework Check has been provided for every section as well. Teachers can easily determine which exercises they should assign to which levels of learners, whether they are basic, average, or advanced. The Homework Check gives teachers a good representation of the exercises to assess student understanding.
Middle School Differentiation:
High School Differentiation: