To export a Class Performance Report, use the following steps:
- Click the Reports tab.
- Click Export Class Performance Report.
- Choose a class from the drop-down menu, a date range for the assignments you want to include*, and choose a format.
- Click Create CSV Report.
- Your report will be created. You can create another report by clicking Create Another Report. When finished, click Go To Reports, or close the window and click View Report Downloads.
- Click Download to view your report in Excel.**
*The dates entered in the date range are the due dates of the assignment and default to midnight of that date. So if you are looking to export data for assignments due on a specific day, be sure to enter the date of the following day. For instance, if you are looking for all assignments due from January 15th through March 15th, enter March 16th as your End Date to include assignments due at any time on March 15th. If you choose to type in the date, please enter the four-digit year.
** Reports are available to download for 48 hours.